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Deadlines & Details

Due Dates and Deadlines

For those with an active housing contract for the 2024-25 academic year and part of our continuing student housing population, the dates below represent the upcoming process.  Each student has a Room Selection Community and Category assigned to you.  Your Room Selection Community will indicate which date(s) below you are participating in Room Selection Sign-Up to select available space. Continue to use the Housing Portal for all steps of the Room Selection process.

  • February 20 - February 26 - Eligible continuing students with a housing guarantee can submit a Continuing Student Housing Application as part of the 2025 Room Selection process.
  • February 20 - March 11 - Current residents with no housing guarantee can express on-campus interest for the 2025-26 academic year (Room Selection Interest List).
  • March 12 - March 23 - Housing contracts will be issued to guaranteed students that submitted a Continuing Student Housing Application by the February 26 due date.
    • Students issued a contract access start date/time to address campus and system demand for the process.  See individual email sent on March 10, 2025 after 4:30pm.
  • March 13 - March 25 - Students who completed the 2025-26 housing contract including the $450 prepayment can apply for optional Living-Learning Communities, I-House or opt into Gender Inclusive Housing.  
  • April 7  - Students who are accepted into a Living-Learning Community, or I-House must opt out if no longer interested (still able to participate in the next phase in their Room Selection Community). This includes Gender Inclusive Housing.
  • April  17 - Room Selection lottery date & time  and roommate group PIN for Room Selection Sign-Up will be sent to your UC San Diego email first.  Then available through the Housing Portal.
  • NEW Room Selection Sign-Up Dates:  Feedback from students and staff have led to change giving students who are selecting space an extra day.  All students will receive a lottery time on the first of their community's days with the second day as a "last chance" to select their space:
    • April 22 and 23 - Seventh College Room Selection Sign-Up
    • April 23 and 24 - Upper Division Room Selection Sign-Up for Pepper Canyon East and Rita Atkinson Residences
    • April 24 and 25 - Pepper Canyon West Room Selection Sign-Up
    • April 25 and 26 - Eighth College Room Selection Sign-Up
    • April 29 and 30 - Eleanor Roosevelt College (ERC), Raza and I-House Room Selection Sign-Up
    • April 30 and May 1 - Sixth College (including MCLLC & ABDLLC) Room Selection Sign-Up
    • May 1 and May 2 - Muir College (including LGBTQIA+ LLC) Room Selection Sign-Up
    • May 5 and May 6 - Revelle College Room Selection Sign-Up
    • May 6 and May 7Warren College (including Warren Transfer LLC) Room Selection Sign-Up
    • May 7 and May 8 -Thurgood Marshall College (TMC) Room Selection Sign-Up
  • May 16 - Last day to see current apartment-mate/roommate information until MyRoomAssignment re-opens for the 2025-26 academic year for move-in and assignments in August.
  • May 20- May 22 - Room Selection Interest List can select from available space (see below for details)

If you do not select a space on your designated Room Selection Sign-Up dates (see above) or space is not available, you will have two options:

  • Choose to be on the Delayed Assignment List (see below)
  • Choose to cancel based on the Cancellation Policy. 

Roommate/Apartment-Mate Selection (Optional)

  • During Room Selection Sign-Up you can add roommates/apartment-mates or suitemates based on the following factors:
    • Must be in the same Room Selection Community
    • Must be in the same Room Selection Category
    • Same gendered housing preference
    • Limited to adding up to the largest apartment-size or suite-size available in the community.
  • Each student participating in Room Selection Sign-Up will have a roommate group pin that can be shared with the person who will create the group. 
  • Roommates or apartment-mate selection is not required.  You can participate as an individual.
  • Sharing your roommate group pin means you've given consent to another student to add you as a roommate.
  • The PDF demo for Room Selection Sign-Up will be posted no later than April 1st.

Gender Inclusive Housing

  • Gender Inclusive Housing is an option to those who complete the housing contract and make the $450 prepayment. 
  • Opting into Gender Inclusive Housing does not guarantee a single room.
  • Gender Inclusive Housing does mean that you are willing to live with any student regardless of their gender, gender identity or sexual orientation (inclusive of double and triple rooms).
  • Students who opt into Gender Inclusive Housing understand that gender will not be a factor in assigning students within bedrooms, suites or apartments.
  • Once you opt into Gender Inclusive Housing you will be selecting from space allocated to Gender Inclusive Housing in your Room Selection Community.

What is a lottery time and how are Room Selection Lottery Times Assigned?

  • A Room Selection Lottery Time is a specific date and time to login and select a 2025-26 housing space from available spaces.
  • A lottery date and time are randomly assigned to individuals for the Room Selection Sign-Up. Lottery date and times are emailed April 17 and available in the Housing Portal after that.
  • Lottery times will not be adjusted.
  • NEW for the 2025 Room Selection process!
    • Students will have an additional day to select a space!  For example, if you are issued a lottery date/time on April 22nd, you have that day and the next day (April 23rd) to select space after your assigned lottery time.  Students will need to select space no later than 11:59PM on the second day of their designated Room Selection Sign-Up Dates (see schedule above).

Selecting a Room

  • Students will select their room from available spaces during Room Selection Sign-Up.  No need to provide a preference - the choice is yours based on what is available at your designated lottery time.
    • You'll be able to see who selected into a space already and their roommate matching preferences.  The choice is yours to look at it before you confirm your space.
  • You will need to select space between your designated lottery date and the end date posted of your designated Room Selection Sign-Up day. 
  • Once you’ve selected or been assigned to a space, visit the Room Selection portal and click on the “2025-26 Room Assignment” link for your assignment or to view your roommates/suite-mates/apartment-mates.
  • All space selections are final! Once you select a space and confirm it, or are part of a group and assigned to a space, that is your assigned room or apartment. There are no room changes during Room Selection. 
  • You will be sent a confirmation to your UCSD email account. This confirms your room assignment for the 2025-26 academic year. 
  • Gender Inclusive Housing will not be available in  Thurgood Marshall College @ Ridge Walk Living Learning Neighborhood.  They will instead have All Gendered Housing.

Room Selection Choices

  • A finite number of spaces are available for Room Selection.  Students will choose from available space allocated to their room selection community and category.  Due to space limitations, the type or location of housing you prefer may not be available during your Room Selection Sign-Up time.
  • Available space may be allocated at your College, other Colleges or other housing communities when you select a space.  What is shown is what is available.  Additional spaces will not open up.
  • If you do not select space at your designated date and time or there are no spaces available, you have two options:
    • Do nothing and you'll be considered a delayed assignment and HDH will assign you to the next available space. 
    • Submit your housing contract cancellation online by the last day of your Room Selection Sign-Up day to receive your full $450 prepayment.

Delayed Assignment

If you do not select a space on your Room Selection Sign-Up date, you will have two options:  choose to remain on the delayed assignment list and be housed in any remaining available space by HDH staff. Or you can choose to cancel your housing contract.

If you choose to be on the delayed assignment list, you will receive an email confirmation by May 16th.  You will remain on the list with the understanding that you will be assigned to the next available space.  A detailed email will be sent once you are assigned which could be at any point in time. Those on the delayed assignment list will be subject to the cancellation policy.  


Room Selection Interest List

Current residents with no housing guarantee can express interest for on-campus housing for the 2025-26 academic year.  Based on available space, we will begin to issue housing contracts the week of May 5th.  Similar to the Room Selection Sign-Up process, we will randomly sort the list to be as equitable as possible.  When you get on the list plays no factor in the random sort.  Our goal is offer as many housing contracts as we can based on available space.  Pay attention to these dates:

  • March 11 - Last day to sign up for the Room Selection Interest List
  • April 14th – Status update and next steps and webinar. Check back for the link to register soon! 
  • May 5th – Email regarding contract process and due date for the $450 prepayment to those receiving a contract offer 
  • May 20th-22nd - Room Selection Interest List room selection signup (selecting from available space) 

If we are unable to offer those on the Room Selection Interest List a housing contract, we will email students with instructions to get on the Undergraduate Housing Waitlist which will open July 8, 2025. For those who sign up on the waitlist, it will update their record to receive a better waitlist number.


Room Changes

  • Please check after the 2025 Room Selection process ends on the next steps to submit an interest in a room change. Room changes are not guaranteed and may not be available.  

Living on Campus

As a member of our campus and residential community, you will join your fellow students, our staff and faculty in support of the UCSD Principles of Community. Within these principles, we collectively agree to support a community free from discrimination while promoting individuality and diversity within the bounds of courtesy, sensitivity, confidentiality, respect and safety where all residents can coexist regardless of race, ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion and political beliefs.

Non-discrimination Statement

In accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, the University of California does not discriminate, or grant preferences, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and/or other protected categories.

More information about Proposition 209 can be found here.

More information about the University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy can be found here.

Disability Accommodations

Students with a disability requiring special Housing accommodations due to a medical need should apply for Housing online AND contact the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) as early as possible. Students must register with OSD and receive an Authorization for Accommodation (AFA) from their office. AFAs should be turned in to the Housing Liaison as soon as possible. Students must meet all Housing deadlines. AFAs for continuing students are due to the Housing Liaison by 3pm (PST) on March 8th. For all other inquiries and dates, please contact the Housing Liaison by email or phone to discuss your situation.

Transgender Students

As are all of our residents, transgender students are valued members of the on-campus living community at UC San Diego. In order to support the needs of incoming and continuing transgender students, we strongly encourage students to contact the Housing Liaison by email or phone to discuss individual and specific needs. More information on transgender living and the transgender community at UC San Diego is available at the LGBT website.

Special Circumstances

If you have unique conditions that may warrant special attention, contact the Housing Liaison by email or phone to discuss your situation and options.

Food Allergy Accommodations

If you will be living on campus and have food allergies requiring special Dining accommodations, please contact the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) as early as possible. Students must register with OSD and turn in an Authorization for Accommodation (AFA) to the Housing Liaison. The AFA should include a request for a referral to the Registered Dietician. The AFA should be turned into the Housing Liaison well in advance of your first meal on campus.

Construction and Renovation

Construction and/or remodeling or repair of academic and residential buildings on the UCSD campus in the vicinity of the residence halls and apartments is scheduled for the 2025-26 academic year. Construction is expected to occur during normal daytime working hours, and will result in disturbances and disruptions, including, but not limited to, increased noise and dust in the area surrounding the residence halls and apartments. By signing this Housing Contract, Resident agrees that he/she has been advised of said scheduled construction, and acknowledges that there will be disturbances and disruptions resulting from construction and has agreed to such.