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Frequently Asked Questions for Undergrad Housing

A comprehensive list of commonly asked questions regarding undergrad student housing, including the application processes, waitlist, contracts, dining plans, and more.

Housing Eligibility

What does it mean to be eligible for Housing?

Eligibility for Housing means that your current conditions/status allows you to be offered a housing contract.

To be eligible for housing, students must:

  • Be a registered student that is enrolled full-time.
  • Meet all housing deadlines.
  • Not have an outstanding student account balance that is past due.
  • Meet all university-imposed deadlines.
  • Completed terms of your housing agreement and/or university policies.

To check your current eligibility for a future housing contract offer, you can contact Housing Administrative Services at or call 858-534-4010.


Undergraduate Housing Waitlist is open. Visit the Undergraduate Housing Waitlist page for more information and submitting a waitlist application.

Please note: Offers are made as space becomes available. 

Please direct questions to

Helpful sites for other off-campus housing options:

 Once I submit my Housing Waitlist Application, how long will I be on the Housing Waitlist?

The waiting time depends on the numbers on students on the waitlist, available spaces and your room preferences.  Please update your application if your room preferences change or you are no longer in need of on campus housing. Please check for an estimated waiting period based on your application date and your individual preferences online through the waitlist once it opens.


Is it possible to be released from my Housing contract?

Prior to either checking in and obtaining your keys or your rental agreement start date, whichever occurs first, you can cancel your housing contract by logging into the Housing Portal and submitting a cancellation form. Please be sure to review the Cancellation Policy so you are aware of our cancellation fees. 

What happens if I have already checked in, picked up keys or want to cancel after the contract start date?

Once a student has checked-in and obtained keys or the start of your rental agreement contract, whichever occurs first, Contract Cancellations are no longer accepted. Students will need to follow the contract termination process as outlined in their housing contract (Section 8.Termination). If a student meets the termination criteria, or has an extenuating financial or medical circumstance necessitating a contract termination, they will need to login to the Housing Portal and submit a Housing Contract Termination Request form.

The termination request will be reviewed along with any accompanying documentation and a decision will be sent to the student via their email within five (5) business days. Same day contract terminations are not available.

Contract Termination Requests are granted for those who meet the termination criteria or have experienced a financial or medical problem beyond the Student’s control arising after the date of
execution of this Contract. Finding another apartment off-campus is not considered an extenuating circumstance and we advise students NOT to sign leases off-campus while they still hold an on-campus housing contract.

Contract Termination requests must be approved before a student can move out of their space. Students will be financially responsible for their space until their contract termination request is approved AND they have completed the entire move-out process (which includes moving all of their belongings out of their space and turning in their keys).

Students who withdraw from the University must still complete a Housing Contract Termination Request form and provide accompanying documentation.

If a Housing Contract Termination Request is granted, the housing and dining dollars will be pro-rated based on when the student completes the move-out process which includes an approved contract termination, any residential housing move-out requirements and returning keys to the Residence Life Office. Any dining dollar over-usage will be charged to the student.

Please Note:  Students who cancel or terminate their housing contract, forfeit their housing guarantee. 

 What if I don't agree with the Termination decision? 

You have the right to appeal your termination decision. Your appeal will be reviewed by the Undergraduate Housing Committee, which includes voting members such as Residential Life Residential Assistants and/or Housing Assistants, Residential Life professionals, and a Basic Needs representative. The committee is led by the Associate Director of Housing Administrative Services, who serves as a non-voting chair.

After reviewing your request and supporting documentation, the committee will vote to approve or deny your appeal. The decision of the Undergraduate Housing Committee is final, and you will be notified via email once a decision has been made.

Dining Plan

Understanding Your Dining Plan


When do I select my Dining Plan?

All current residents will be asked to select a Dining Plan during the Housing Contract Process. More information regarding the various Dining Plan options will be emailed to all residents during the Housing Contract Process.

Can I change my Dining Plan?

You will have an opportunity to change your dining plan in Late-August, once you are able to view your Room Assignment. The deadline to change your dining plan is October 1, 2025. After this date, changes to the dining plan are not permitted.

Students who contract for campus housing off of the housing waitlist have seven (7) calendar days from the start of their contract to adjust their dining plan.

When does my Dining Plan expire?

As long as you live on campus for the entire term of your housing contract, your dining plan will remain active.  If you are approved for early termination, your dining plan will expire on your approved contract termination date. 

Please note: We do prorate your housing and dining charges if you are approved for early termination. If you need to review your current dining plan balance, please contact the Triton Card Account Services team,, 858-534-4010 for assistance. 

 For more information about your Dining Dollars, check the Dining Dollar FAQs.

I was approved for early termination. How does that affect my Dining Plan?

If you applied for early termination and were approved, your housing and dining will be prorated based on the date you complete the move out process (which includes removal of all your belongings and turning in your keys). This means that we’ll adjust your dining plan based on the total number of days you lived on campus. If you used more than that prorated amount, we’ll bill you for that extra over-usage. Your dining plan will remain active through your approved contract termination date and we’ll close your dining plan account after that.

Am I required to have a Dining Plan?

Students residing in our college housing communities (Revelle, Muir, Marshall, ERC, Warren, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth) are required to have a dining plan. The Dining Plan cannot be changed, dropped, refunded, or transferred to Triton Cash.  

Students residing in the Pepper Canyon Apartments, Matthews Apartments, Pepper Canyon West, and The Rita will not be required to have a dining plan.

How do I check my Dining Dollar balance? 

To view your Dining Dollar balance and purchase additional Dining Dollars, please visit our Transact eAccounts Portal. Please note: You may purchase additional Dining Dollars at any time. We recommend waiting until spending and eating patterns are established mid-year, since Dining Dollars are non-transferable, non-refundable, and may only be used at UC San Diego Dining Services locations.

Room Assignment & Roommates

How many students will be assigned to a bedroom?

Residence hall (suite) and apartment assignments will be at double and triple occupancy. There are also a limited number of single-occupancy and mini-double bedrooms throughout our undergraduate communities.

*Please Note: Bedroom occupancy may change due to emergency, natural disaster, or at the recommendation of public health officials.

How is Housing assigned?

Incoming first-year and transfer room assignments will be determined by a variety of factors including: room type preferences, roommate requests, Personal History Form (PHF) answers, available space in all housing areas, and other factors.

  • Incoming first-year student housing assignments begin in the residence halls and apartments in their college of registration, then continue into other on-campus housing areas.
  • Incoming transfer students assignments will begin in established Upper Division housing neighborhoods and continue into other on-campus housing areas as needed. Transfer housing assignments may include residence halls. Transfer students assigned to other housing areas will be required to select a dining plan as outlined in their legal housing contract.

Fluctuations in undergraduate housing, high enrollments, or recommendations by public health officials may affect housing placements.

Students will find out their room assignment in late August via the Housing Portal.

How does gender play a role in room assignments?

In general, at UC San Diego, women are placed with women, men are placed with men, and we have gender inclusive housing available for people of all genders.  The official campus record of each student’s gender identity is maintained in TritonLink. Students may view and update their gender information through TritonLink. Changes made in TritonLink are updated in Housing within 30 days. Gender values maintained in TritonLink are:

  • Woman
  • Transgender Woman/Trans Woman
  • Man
  • Transgender Man/Trans Man
  • Nonbinary
  • Different Identity

For room assignments:

Currently, a student’s gender plays a role in determining their room and roommate(s) assignment. In general, at UC San Diego, women are placed with women, men are placed with men, and we have gender inclusive housing available for people of all genders. If you do not indicate you want gender inclusive housing and also indicate your gender to be trans woman, trans man, nonbinary or different identity, you will be contacted by Housing*Dining*Hospitality regarding your placement. For students who do not choose gender inclusive housing:

  • Women are placed with women, including trans women, cisgender women and nonbinary women. A student who indicates that they are a woman, trans woman or a nonbinary person and asks to be placed with women would be assigned to a bedroom with other women and nonbinary students.  
  • Men are placed with men, including trans men, cisgender men and nonbinary men. A student who indicates that they are a man, trans man or a nonbinary person and asks to be placed with men would be assigned to a bedroom with other men and nonbinary students.  
  • Nonbinary people are placed after consultation with the Housing*Dining*Hospitality, and will be contacted to ensure appropriate placement given their own understanding of their gender identity and expression.  

How do I get assigned to Gender Inclusive Housing (GIH)? 

Upon completion of the housing contract during the Room Selection process or Incoming Student process, you can choose to opt into gender inclusive housing.  Those selecting that option, will automatically will be placed in gender inclusive housing within your college of registration. Gender inclusive housing provides opportunities for people of all genders to live together regardless of gender assigned at birth, gender identity or gender expression.  A student who indicates that they want gender inclusive housing would be assigned to a bedroom with other people who also want gender inclusive housing. Student in gender inclusive housing are not guaranteed a single room.  For example:

  • If you choose gender inclusive housing, and you are assigned to a triple bedroom, you may have two nonbinary people and one woman in that triple. 
  • If you choose gender inclusive housing, and you are assigned double, you may have a man and a woman together.
  • If you choose gender inclusive housing, and you are assigned a single, you may have other people within your suite or apartment of all genders: nonbinary people, women and men.
If you choose gender inclusive housing, and have specific needs about your placement,  please contact  As an example, if you are trans feminine, and want to ensure that you room with other women, including trans women, cis women and nonbinary women, you would share that information with the contact person from HDH, and they would work with you to see if that request could be met given the space available and roommates available. We work with you to determine what placement makes most sense. Given your gender, gender identity, and current gender expression, the HDH contact will ask you questions to help you understand what placement options are available. Based on this conversation, we will determine the best possible placement for you given the options available at that time. For more information on GIH please contact the  

When will I be notified of my room assignment and roommate(s)?

All on-campus residents will receive their specific room assignment details (roommate(s), building, floor-plan, double, or single room) in late-August through their Housing Portal. Specific move-in information will be sent to students via their UCSD email from the Housing Community that they will be residing in. 

What should I do if my friend and I want to room together?

First-year Incoming Freshmen and Incoming Transfer students that complete their housing contract by the deadline will be able to submit roommate requests over the summer. More information will be available via the web in the early summer. One student will have the ability to start a group (the leader) and invite one other student(s) to their room. All students in the group must accept the invitation, as roommate requests must be mutual. It is required that both must be of the same gender, of the same contract location, and of the same college of registration for 1st Years (incoming freshmen). Roommate requests are not guaranteed, but the Res Life Offices will make every effort to accommodate these if possible. Please contact your Res Life Office with questions.

Move-In Information, What To Bring & What To Leave At Home

When can I move in?

All information pertaining to move-in will be included in the welcome letter that is scheduled to be emailed to students in late August/early September. Bookmark our Move In Page so you don't miss any important information.

College Welcome Letters

The UC San Diego Res Life Offices will send out Welcome Letters late August/early September. Your Welcome Letter will provide you with important information about move-in week, things to plan on and where you can check your room assignment and roommate information. Contact your Residence Life Office with questions.

What should I bring?

Bring your own linens such as towels, pillow(s), mattress pad including bedding to fit an extra-long twin bed (36" x 80"). Personal care items are important for your self-care, bring personal items such as toiletries, hair care products, over the counter medications, and hand sanitizer or sanitizing wipes. Don't forget your school supplies such as your computer/laptop/tablet, headphones, backpack, a non-halogen desk lamp, and a power surge protector. San Diego is a temperate climate, in support of sustainability efforts, our communities do not have air conditioning, so make sure to bring a fan for the few days our temperatures are over 75 degrees. 

Once you receive your room assignment in August, it’s a GREAT idea to check with roommates and figure out who will bring larger items to share. Some residents like to purchase items together once they move in. Examples include:

  • mini refrigerator (smaller than five cubic feet with a safe UL-approved electrical system)
  • microwave
  • television
  • printer
  • mini-vacuum
  • Bike Lock – U Shaped (see UCPD website)
  • Emergency Kit and basic first aid supplies

Can I bring a refrigerator or microwave?

Yes, one small refrigerator is allowed in each room. It must be smaller than five cubic feet and have a safe UL-approved electrical system. Microwaves may also be brought. Check with roommates to make sure you don’t duplicate items.

What Should I Leave at Home? 

For more details on campus housing policies and items that are not permitted, review the UC San Diego Residential Life Community Standards.

  • Furniture (provided)
  • Multiple appliances (check with your roommates to coordinate)
  • Small appliances (hot plates, portable heaters, personal air conditioners)
  • Extension cords 
  • Flushable wipes
  • Candles, incense and other flammables

Move-Out Information

Remember, at the end of the year you are responsible for removing all of the items you "move-in"! Donation bins, recycling, and trash dumpsters will be available, but we do not offer storage on campus. Keep this in mind when you're bringing items to campus in the fall!

Financial & Billing

How are Housing fees billed?

Residential Housing fees are billed in the UC San Diego Statement via TritonPay. Housing charges can be found in the same location that UC Tuition and Education Fees are billed along with any current or delinquent University Charges. Housing also has a Housing Cost & Payment Schedule which serves as a tool for budgeting and a reminder of future statement due dates.

What is the $30 housing administrative fee?

The $30 housing administrative fee is a one-time per academic year fee that is assessed to residents who select to pay their housing installment charges in monthly or quarterly installments.

What is the $20 activity fee?

The $20 activity fee is a one-time per academic year fee that is assessed to all residents. These funds are used by your Res Life Staff to put programs for you to enhance your on-campus housing experience (i.e. movie/pizza nights, study sessions).

I was approved for early termination. How does that affect my housing charges?

If you are approved for early termination, we’ll adjust both your housing and dining so you are only billed for the total number of days you lived on campus. Please keep in mind that per the housing contract you signed, we do not prorate the first two weeks or last two weeks of every single quarter. If your approved contract termination date falls within the first two weeks or last two weeks of any quarter, you will be billed for those entire two weeks

Where is my UCSD Student Billing Statement sent?

All statements will be emailed to your UC San Diego email account. If you wish to have your bills emailed to an additional address, visit TritonPay , for more details and tutorials.

How do I pay for Housing?

Please visit How to Pay Your Bill to review all forms of payment that are accepted by the University. 

All installments must be paid by the due date indicated on the e-statement and Housing Cost and Payment Schedule. 

How can I change my Housing installment payment plan?

Changes to your housing installment payment plan can be made through late-August. To make any changes, log into the Housing Portal and submit a “Housing Installment Payment Plan Change.” You can elect to PAY IN FULL, QUARTERLY, or MONTHLY installments. Students who elect to pay quarterly or monthly are assessed a one-time $30 housing administrative fee. Students receiving aid should always select the QUARTERLY installment plan to align with aid distribution dates. 

Can financial aid and loans be used to cover Housing payments?

Yes. The university applies your financial aid and loans first to tuition fees and past due amounts, second to Housing charges, and third to any other outstanding charges that may be due. If your University fees exceed the amount of financial aid, any outstanding charges are the student’s financial responsibility.

Amenities & Services

 Are there computer labs available?

Computer labs are available throughout campus. Printing is also available. To find the computer lab closest to you, UC San Diego has an online Computer Lab Lookup tool available.

How do I pay to do my laundry?

Washers and dryers are conveniently located in or near each residential housing facility. Check with your specific Res Life Office for locations or visit our Laundry page for detailed information.

You can use your Dining Plan Triton Cash or you can deposit funds into your Triton Cash account in order to pay for laundry. A Triton Cash account will automatically be activated for all residents prior to move-in. To view your Triton Cash balance or make a deposit at any time, please visit the Transact eAccounts Portal. If you haven’t already done so, you’ll need to set up an Online Card Office profile to access your Triton Cash Account. For more information about Triton Cash or the Online Card Office, please visit:

For laundry room malfunctions, please call 858.534.2600 or submit an HDH Fix-It Request. Please have your PID and the machine number handy. Once the work order has been generated, you will receive an email confirmation.

Important! Please contact Triton Card Accounts Services (TCAS) at 858.534.7587 within 7 days of receiving your work order email confirmation to get a refund of any lost funds due to laundry machine malfunctions. You can also visit the TCAS office during the hours posted here.

Will housekeeping clean my room?

All on-campus Housing facilities (with the exception of Pepper Canyon West) include some level of cleaning service each week. Cleaning is restricted to public areas including living rooms, dining rooms, bathrooms, and kitchens. Residents are responsible for the cleaning of their private sleeping areas and taking out their trash. Residents may bring their own mini-vacuum.

General Questions

Do I need to have renter's insurance for my campus living space?

Although not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you carry renter's insurance to protect your personal property (such as computers and other valuables).  The University and its employees and agents assume no responsibility for the loss, theft, damage or destruction to Student’s personal property kept in Student’s assigned room or any location on the premises from any cause whatsoever.

If you are interested in purchasing renter's insurance, find a link that is specifically designed for UC San Diego renters:

If parents come to visit, where can they stay?

La Jolla offers many hotels; the Marriott Residence Inn, Radisson, and Hyatt have locations near the campus. 

How can I get around campus?

Transportation and Parking Services offers numerous free campus shuttles to help students get around, both on and off-campus. You can find Ways to Get Around Campus on their website. 

Do you have housing for Undergraduate couples and families?

Students with partners and dependents are housed in our Graduate and Family communities. Contact the Graduate and Family Housing Allocations Office office via phone at 858.534.4723 or via email at or visit their website for more information. 

How do I obtain a housing verification (for Cal-Fresh, Off-campus lease, DMV, or Bank)?

Students may request a housing verification by either sending an email (including Name, PID, and reason for request) to


Students and residents can now contact us through the Services & Support portal

Parents and supporters can reach us at

Submit a request